Lea & Paget's Wood
This was Richard's first residency with Herefordshire Wildlife Trust. He spent 2 days a month working here in 2016, and continued developing studio work about this special ancient woodland through 2017.
January - Winter Morning Light

January - Winter Sunshine

January - Wood Edge on Foggy Morning

January - Across the Valley, Winter

January - Sun Breaks Through

January - Winter Morning Light

January - Winter Undergrowth

February - Blackbird Singing at Sundown

February - across quarry

February - Young Oak on Quarry Edge

February - ash and hazel

February - ash and hazel

February - Blustery Day, Primroses

February - Oak on Quarry Edge

February - Stirrings of Spring

March - venerable oak

March - Wild Daffodils

March - Wild Daffodils

April - Spring Light

April - Springtime Song

May - Bluebells and Sunshine

May - Amid the Bluebells

May - Heady Scent of Bluebells

In an Ancient Wood, Spring

May - old silver birch

May - Chilly Spring Dawn, Birch

May - experimental drawing of sounds

May - coppiced hazel

May - Portrait of a Coppiced Hazel

May - Hollow Oak

Summer - Heart of the Wood

June - Glade After Downpour

June - Wye Valley Walk, Summer

June - Lea & Paget's Wood, Summer

June - Rain Coming

June - Woodland Path

July - Venerable oak

July - Venerable Oak

Sleepy Afternoon, July

August - The Gloaming

August - Drip, drop of summer rain

September - Woodland Interior

Refreshing September Shower

September - ash bole

October - On the Turn - Sketch

October - Breezy Autumn Afternoon

October - Autumn Path

November - Lea & Paget's Wood, Autumn

November - Golden Autumn Evening

November - Damp November afternoon I

Damp November Afternoon II

November - Autumn Tapestry

November - Hazel Whipped by Autumn Wind

December - Ash Tree

December - Ash Tree

December - huge cherry in fog

December - Wild Cherry, Winter Afternoon

December - Winter Sundown

December - Winter Evening Glow